
DSCOVR wavelenght

What is a composite photo?

Simply put, a composite photo is made up of several shots. A very simple example: when you take a panoramic photo with your smartphone, you are taking a composite photo, because your smartphone will take several shots and assemble them into one to create a panorama. The different types of composite photos Assembling photos to create a panoramic view As explained above, the most common use is simply to take several photos and create a larger one. Depending on how […]

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Envisat : His missions and photos

This article aims to explain the mission of the earth observation satellite ENVISAT and to highlight its most beautiful photographs.

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Avalanches on Mars!

Avalanches taking place have been photographed on Mars. These images are truly amazing. Four were even captured in the same image!

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Mercury false color

False colors on astronomy photos

This article aims to explain why false colors are often used in astronomy photographs.

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